On this page we collect resources for further reading and example documents that can provide guidance in creating your own ethics documents.
Research Ethics Guidance
- AOIR Association of Internet Researchers Ethics
- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) UK Ethics framework - very comprehensive and the standard in the UK
- Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation (TREE): free online course in research ethics - focus on health research involving human participants
- Ethics guidance for Computer Science research by Manchester University
- Guidance on seeking informed consent and some tips for writing consent forms from University of Virginia
- Ethics Issues Table - Checklist in the context of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon 2020 (European Union)
- Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans tri-council policy statement of three main councils in Canada.
- Resources specific for ICTD/ICT4D research
Data Collection, Anonymisation and Data Protection
- What is personal data – A quick reference guide
- Anonymisation Guidance by the LSE
- Finnish Social Science Data Archive, Anonymization
- UK Data Archive: Create and manage data - consent and ethics
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR): Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving.
- EU’s article 29 working group: Opinion 05/2014 on “Anonymisation Techniques onto the web”.
Example Ethics Documents
- Research Ethics Statement (en), Parent Information Sheet (de) and Parent Consent Form (de) from the OutsideTheBox Project (Designing Technology with autistic children)
- Parent Consent from the ECHOES Project (Designing with autistic children)
- Consent Form from the eHome Project (deutsch)
Codes of Conduct
- TU Wien Code of Conduct for scientific work
- TU Wien, Informatik Code of Ethics
- ACM Code of Ethics, professional code of conduct
- IEEE Code of Ethics